Your car’s engine not sounding right? Maybe it’s coughing and spluttering like it’s had a few too many long road trips up the coast. Well, mate, it might be time to think about engine reconditioning before it carks it completely.…

Your car’s engine not sounding right? Maybe it’s coughing and spluttering like it’s had a few too many long road trips up the coast. Well, mate, it might be time to think about engine reconditioning before it carks it completely.…
The repair of a car engine can incur significant costs: pistons, crankshaft, cylinder head… For the latter, the cylinder head, an operation can save it: it is the cylinder head resurfacing. What is it exactly? What is the use of…
The cylinder head gasket forms a tight barrier between the oil, coolant and combustion chambers in your engine. If it overheats, it can crack or deform. Your car’s engine is then in danger: the cylinder head gasket must be replaced.…
Contents – What is a cylinder head gasket? – Cylinder head gasket failures: what are the risks? – Cylinder head gasket failures: symptoms and replacement The head gasket is one of the minor parts of an engine…