As a driver, you might be familiar with the concept of ‘re-treaded’ tyres. You might even have them on your vehicle at this very moment. But have you ever stopped to think what are re-treaded tyres exactly, and how is…

As a driver, you might be familiar with the concept of ‘re-treaded’ tyres. You might even have them on your vehicle at this very moment. But have you ever stopped to think what are re-treaded tyres exactly, and how is…
This post follows our recent two posts on: Secrets Gas Station Don’t Want You to Know! 5 Essential Tips to Save on Gas With light-duty cars responsible for more than 40 percent of oil usage, people want to use less…
Savings is never more than enough in life and you can make savings every day by adopting good driving skills. This post provides you with 5 Essential Tips to Save on Gas. 1. Adopt a flexible driving style You have…
Like most Canadian people, you probably drive between 10 and 15,000 km per year. So if you reduce your consumption by 1 L per 100 km, you can save 150 L per year. This post will give you tips on…
Contents – Causes of diesel leaks – Diesel leakage maintenance cost Over the years, diesel has managed to catch up with petrol regarding vehicle quietness and driving comfort. However, it is still marked by a peculiarity unique to diesel, especially…
Are you going to the gas station more often these days? Your car seems to be thirsty on gasoline, yet you have not changed your driving habits while your itinerary has stayed the same every day. Then, something is causing…
You should be alerted to unusual fuel consumption, especially if you have not changed your driving habits, your routes. Indeed, if your vehicle begins to consume abnormally and seems to be less lively, it is because a technical issue sometimes…
On the one hand, you want your car to be as beautiful as possible, but on the other hand, there are national laws that prohibit certain shades of color. Car window tints are very common, especially for those of us…
It’s true, a simple scratch on your windshield could be the start of something much more severe! Although the windshield is sometimes pushed into the background, it is essential to ensure the safety of passengers in the car. In case…
Summary – Step 1: Choose the oil – Step 2: Prepare the material – Step 3: Unscrew the cap – Step 4: Dispose of used oil – Step 5: Remove the used filter – Step 6: Clean – Step 7:…